Medical Staff
Health Sciences North (HSN) strives to provide high quality health services, supports learning and generates research that improves health outcomes for the people of Northeastern Ontario.
This is your opportunity to join the 3,900 employees and over 600 medical staff who contribute to the progress of our Academic Health Science Centre, through regional, provincial, national and international collaborations.
At Health Sciences North (HSN) we value and seek community engagement and stakeholder participation to address the priority health concerns and health equity gaps for Northerners. As such, HSN’s Medical Staff are required to pursue faculty appointment and participate in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate trainees through the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM). There are also opportunities to lead and participate in research through the Health Sciences North Research Institute (HSNRI).
Learn more about Physicians at HSN here:
If this sounds like the career and the lifestyle you're looking for, contact us today.

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